Bac Long Shipping And Trading Co.,ltd is bulk vessels carrier, container vessels carrier on internation line, hotline: +84 914096 355 email: [email protected]
AA = Always Afloat
AAAA = Always Accessible Always Afloat
AARA = Amsterdam-Antwerp-Rotterdam Area
ABT = About
ADCOM = Address Commission
AFSPS = ArrivalFirstSea Pilot Station (Norway
AFFREIGHTMENT = The hiring of a ship in whole or part
AFT = At or towards the stern or rear of a ship
AGW = All Going Well
AHL = Australian Hold Ladders
ANTHAM = Antwerp-HamburgRange
APS = Arrival Pilot Station
ARAG = Amsterdam-Rotterdam--Antwerp-GhentRange
A/S = Alongside
ATDNSHINC = Any Time Day or Night Sundays and Holidays Included
ATUTC = Actual Times Used to Count
BAF = Bunker Adjustment Factor. A Fuel Surcharge expressed as a percentage added or subtracted from the freight amountreflecting the movement in the market place price forbunkers.
BALLAST = Heavy weight, often sea water, necessary for thestability and safety of a ship which is not carryingcargo.
BAREBOAT CHTR = Bareboat Charter Owners lease a specific ship andcontrol its technical management and commercialoperations only.
BBB = Before Breaking Bulk
BDI = Both Dates Inclusive
BENDS = Both Ends (Load & Discharge Ports)
BI = Both Inclusive
BIMCO = The Baltic and International Maritime Council
BL (1) = Bale
BL (2) = (Bill of Lading) A document signed by the carrier whichacts as a receipt and evidence of title to the cargo.
BM = Beam
BEAM = The maximum breadth of a ship
BOB = Bunker on Board
BOFFER = Best Offer
BROB = Bunkers Remaining on Board
BSS = Basis
BSS 1/1 = Basis 1 Port to 1 Port
BT = Berth Terms
BUNDLING = This is the assembly of pieces of cargo, secured intoone manageable unit. This is a very flexibledescription; a rule of thumb is to present cargo at asize easily handled by a large (20 ton) fork lifttruck.
BUNKERS = Name given for vessels Fuel and Diesel Oil supplies(Originates from coal bunkers)
BWAD = Brackish Water Arrival Draft
CBM = Cubic Meter
CBFT (or CFT) = Cubic Feet
CFR (or C&F) = Cost and Freight
CHOPT = Charterers Option
CHTRS = Charterers
CIF = Cost, Insurance & Freight. Seller pays all these coststo a nominated port or place of discharge.
COA = Contract of Affreightment Owners agree to accept acost per revenue ton for cargo carried on a specificnumber of voyages.
COACP = Contract of Affreightment Charter Party
COB = Close of Business
COD = Cash On Delivery
COGSA = Carriage of Goods by Sea Act
CONS = Consumption
COP = Custom Of Port
CP (or C/P) = Charter Party
CPD = Charterers Pay Dues
CPT = Carriage Paid To
CQD = Customary Quick Dispatch
CROB = Cargo Remaining on Board
CRN = Crane
CST = Centistoke
CTR = Container Fitted
DAPS = Days all Purposes (Total days for loading & discharging)
DDU = Delivered Duty unpaid.
DDP = Delivered Duty Paid.
DEM = Demurrage
DESP = Dispatch
DET = Detention
DHDATSBE = Dispatch Half Demurrage on Actual Time Saved Both Ends
DHDWTSBE = Dispatch Half Demurrage on Working Time Saved Both Ends
DISCH = Discharge
DK = Deck
DLOSP = DroppingLastOutwardsSea Pilot (Norway
DO = Diesel Oil
DOLSP = Dropping Off LastSea Pilot (Norway
DOP = Dropping Outward Pilot
DOT = Department of Transport
DNRSAOCLONL = Discountless and Non-Returnable Ship and/or CargoLost or Not Lost
Draft = Depth to which a ship is immersed in water. The depthvaries according to the design of the ship and will begreater or lesser depending not only on the weight of the ship and everything on board, but olso on the density of the water in which the ship is lying.
DRK = Derrick
DUNNAGE = Materials of various types, often timber or matting,placed among the cargo for separation, and henceprotection from damage, for ventilation and, in the caseof certain cargoes, to provide space in which the forksof a lift truck may be inserted.
DWAT (or DWT) = Deadweight. Weight of cargo, stores and water, i.e. the difference between lightship and loaded displacement.
= East Coast
EIU = Even if Used
ELVENT = Electric Ventilation
ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival
ETC = Estimated Time of Completion
ETD = Estimated Time of Departure
ETS = Estimated Time of Sailing
EXW = Ex Works
FAS = Free Alongside Ship. Seller delivers goods toappropriate dock or terminal at port of embarkation and buyer covers costs and risks of loading.
FD = Free of Dispatch
FDD = Freight Demurrage Deadfreight
FDIS = Free Discharge
FEU = Forty foot container equivalency unit Standard 40'Container
FHEX = Fridays/Holidays Excluded
FHINC = Fridays/Holidays Included
FILO = Free In/Liner Out. Seafreight with which the shipperpays load costs and the = carrier pays for dischargecosts.
FIO = Free In/Out. Freight booked FIO includes the sea freight,but no loading/discharging costs, i.e. the chartererpays for cost of loading and discharging cargo.
FIOS = Free In/Out Stowed. As per FIO, but includes stowagecosts.
FIOT = Free In/Out and Trimmed. As per FIOS but includestrimming the leveling of bulk cargoes
FIOSLSD = Free In/Out Stowed, Lashed, Secured and Dunnaged. As per FIO, but includes cost of lashing securing and dunnagingcargo to Masters satisfaction.
FIOST = Free In/Out and Trimmed. Charterer pays for cost ofloading/discharging cargo, including stowage andtrimming.
FIT = Free In Trimmed
FIW = Free In Wagon
FIXING = Chartering a Vessel
FLT = Full Liner Terms Shipowner pays to load and dischargethe cargo
FMC = Federal Maritime Commission US
government agency
FMS = Fathoms = 6 feet
FO (IFO) = Fuel Oil/Intermediate FO
FOB = Free on Board. Seller sees the goods "over the ship's rail" on to the ship which is arranged and paid for by the buyer
FOFFER = Firm Offer
FOG = For Our Guidance
FOQ = Free On Quay
FOR = Free On Rail
FORCE MAJEURE = Clause limiting responsibilities of the charterers, shippers and receivers due to events beyond their control.
FOT = Free On Truck
FOW (1) = First Open Water
FOW (2) = Free On Wharf
FREE OUT = Free of discharge costs to Owners
FWAD = Fresh Water Arrival Draft
FWDD = Fresh Water Departure Draft
FYG = For Your Guidance
FYI = For Your Information
GA = General Average
GLS = Gearless
GNCN = Gencon a standard BIMCO charter party form
GN (or GR) = Grain (capacity)
GO = Gas Oil
GRD = Geared
GRT = Gross Registered Tonnage
GSB = Good Safe Berth
GSP = GoodSafePort
GTEE = Guarantee
2H = Second Half
HA = Hatch
HDWTS = Half Dispatch Working Time Saved
HMS = Heavy Metal Scrap
HO = Hold
HW = High Water
IMDG = International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
IMO = International Maritime Organization
IND = Indication
INTERMODAL = Carriage of a commodity by different modes of transport, i.e. sea, road, rail and air within a single journey.
= International Transport Federation international body that regulates crewing of ships
IU = If Used
IUATUTC = If Used, Actual Time Used To Count
IUHATUTC = If Used, Half Actual Time Used To Count
IWL = Institute Warranty Limits
LANE METER = A method of measuring the space capacity of Ro/Ro ships whereby
each unit of space (Linear Meter) is represented by an area of deck 1.0 meter in length x 2.0 meters in width.
LASH (1) = To hold goods in position by use of Ropes, Wires, Chains or Straps etc.
LASH (2) = Lighter Aboard Ship a vessel that loads small bargesdirect from the water
LAT = Latitude
LOA = Length Overall of the vessel
LOW = Last Open Water
LS (or LUMPS) = Lumpsum
LSD = Lashed Secured Dunnaged
LT = Liner Terms
LW = Low Water
LYCN = Laycan (Layday Canceling Date)
MB = Merchant Broker
MDO (DO) = Marine Diesel Oil
MIN/MAX = Minimum/Maximum (cargo quantity)
MOLCHOPT = More or Less Charterers Option
MOLOO = More or Less Owners Option
MT = Metric Ton (i.e. 1,000 kilos / 2204.6lbs)
M/V = Motor Vessel
NAABSA = Not Always Afloat But Safely Aground
NCB = National Cargo Bureau
NESTING = Implies that cargo is presented stacked in the contour of similarly shaped cargo, it may be likened to a stack of plates.
NON-REVERSIBLE = (Detention). If loading completed sooner than expected, then saved days will not be added to discharge time allowed.
NOR = Notice of Readiness
NRT = Net Registered Tonnage
NYPE = New York
Produce Exchange
OO = Owners Option
OSH = Open Shelter Deck
OWS = Owners
PASTUS = Past Us
PC = Period of Charter
PCGO = Part Cargo
PCT = Percent
PDPR = Per Day Pro Rata
PERDIEM = Per Diem = By the Day
PHPD = Per Hatch Per Day
PRATIQUE = License or permission to use a port
RCVR = Receivers
REVERSIBLE (Detention) = If loading completed sooner than expected at load port, then days saved can be added to discharge operations.
ROB = Remaining On Board
RT = Revenue Ton (i.e. 1.0 metric Ton or 1.0 cubic meter, whichever is greater). The overall RT is calculated on a line by line basis of the Packing List using the largest amount. The overall freight liability is calculated on the total RT amount, multiplied by the freight rate.
SATPM = Saturday P.M.
SB = Safe Berth
SD (or SID) = Single Decker
SEAFREIGHT = Costs charged for transporting goods over the sea. This does not cover any haulage or loading/discharging costs but the sea transport only.
SELFD = Self Discharging
SF = Stowage factor. Cubic space occupied by one ton (2,240 lbs/1,000 kgs) of cargo.
SHINC = Sundays/Holidays Included
SHEX = Sundays/Holidays Excluded
SKIDS = Are bearers (timber or steel) positioned under cargo to enable fork lift handling at port, and for ease of rigging and lashing on board ship.
SL = Bale (capacity)
SOC = Shipper Owned Container
SOF = Statement Of Facts
SP = SafePort
SRBL = Signing and Releasing Bill of Lading
SSHEX (or SATSHEX) = Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Excluded
SSHINC = Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Included
STABILITY = It is paramount that a vessel is stable in all respects at all times. When cargo is loaded / discharged, the stability is monitored by a computer, which takes into account the weight and position of cargo within the vessel.
STARBOARD = Right side of a ship when facing the bow
STEM = Subject To Enough Merchandise (Availability of Cargo)
STERN = The aft part of a ship
SUB = Subject (to)
SUPERCARGO = Person employed by a ship owner, shipping company,charterer of a ship or shipper of goods to supervisecargo handling operations. Often called a port captain.
SWAD = Salt Water Arrival Draft
SWDD = Salt Water Departure Draft
TC = Time Charter Owners agree to hire a particular shipfor a set length of time
TEU = Twenty Foot Equivalency Unit Standard 20' Container
TTL = Total
TW = Tween Decker
USC = Unless Sooner Commenced
UU = Unless Used
UUIUATUTC = Unless Used If Used Actual Time Used To Count
VPD = Vessel Pays Dues
WCCON = Whether Customs Cleared Or Not
WIBON = Whether In Berth Or Not
WIFPON = Whether In Free Pratique or not
WIPON = Whether In Port Or Not
WLTOHC (distance) Water Line-To-Hatch Coaming
WOG = Without Guarantee
WPD = Weather Permitting Day
WWD = Weather Working Day
WRIC = Wire Rods In Coils
WWR = When, Where Ready
WWWW = Wibon, Wccon, Wifpon, Wipon
YAR = YorkAntwerp
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Một số từ viết tắt dùng trong chứng từ, điện telex, xuất nhập khẩu
Some abbreviations used in documents, telex and import-export activities
ABB,ABBR Abbreviation Sự viết tắt, chữ tắt
ABT About Về
ABV Above Bên trên
ABS Abstract statement Lời tóm tắt, nét chính
ACPT *Accept Chấp nhận
ACPTC *acceptance Sự chấp nhận
ACPTBL acceptable Có thể chấp nhận
ACCESS *Accessory Phụ tùng
ACDG(LY) Accordingly Tuỳ trường hợp, cho phù hợp
A/C,AC,ACCT Account Tài khoản, báo cáo
A/C Account current Tài khoản vãng lai, tài khoản hiện hành
A/O Account of… Tài khoản của…., được tính vào tài khoản của…
A/P Account paid Tài khoản đã được thanh toán
A/S *account sales Báo cáo bán hàng
ACK *acknowledge Chứng nhận, thừa nhận, ký nhận
A/W Actual weight Trọng lượng thực tế
ADD,ADDN,ADDTN *addition Thêm vào, ngoài ra
ADDL,ADDNL *additional Bổ sung
A/P Additional premium Phí bảo hiểm ngoại tệ, phụ phí bảo hiểm
ADR Address địa chỉ
ADRSEE *addressee Người nhận
ADJ Adjustment điều chỉnh
AD,ADV Advertise, advertisment Quảng cáo
ADV Advice Thông báo
ADV.ADVS Advise(v) Thông báo
AFT *after Sau đó
A/D After date Sau ngày
A/S *after sight Sau khi trình
AGN *again Lần nữa
AAR Against all risks Bảo hiểm mọi rủi ro
AGR *agree đồng ý
OK Agreed được đồng ý/ đã đồng ý
AGB *a good brand Mặt hàng có uy tín
AIRFRT Airfreight Cước máy bay
AIR *airmail Gửi thư máy bay
AIRD *airmailed được gửi bằng thư hàng không
AIRG *airmailing Việc gửi bằng thư hàng không
AWB Airway bill Vận đơn hàng không
AA All after Sau cùng
OK *all correct Tất cả đều đúng
AR All risks Mọi rủi ro
ALWNC Allowance Tiền trợ cấp
ALRDY *already đã rồi
AMT *amount Số lượng, trị giá
AMP Amprere Am-pe
AD *Anno Domini Sau công nguyên
ANS *answer Trả lời, phúc đáp
ANS Answered được trả lời
ANX *anxious Nóng lòng
AM Ante meridian Trước 12 giờ trưa
A-1 A numbet –one Số 1
AGB * any good brand Bất kỳ mặt hàng tốt nào
APT Apartment Căn hộ, toa tàu
APLNC * application đơn xin
APRV *aprove Chấp nhận, chuẩn y
APRVL *aproval Sự chấp thuận
APPROX Approximate Vào khoảng
APPRCX(LY) *approximately Một cách phỏng chừng
APR April Tháng Tư
APO *army post office Quân bưu
ARIZ *Arizona Arizona (bang)
ARK Arkansas Arkansas (bang)
ARRG *arrange Dàn xếp, sắp xếp
ARVL Arrival Tới, đến
AR,ARV *arrive(v) Tới, đến
ARVD *arrived đã đến
ASSMT Assignment Chỉ định, chuyển nhượng
ASST Assistant Phụ tá
ASSN Association Hiệp hội
AF As follow Như sau
ASAP As soon as possible Càng sớm càng tốt
ASSMT Assortment đủ loại, lẫn các loại
ATM *atmosphere át-mốt-phe
A/S At sight Khi trình, tức kì
ATTN,ATT,ATTEN *attention Lưu ý, chuyển cho (thư từ)
AUCT Auction đấu giá
AUG Ausgust Tháng Tám
AVE Anvenue đại lộ
AV,AVG,AVRG *average Trung bình, tổn thất (bảo hiểm)
AWT *await đợi
BCL Bank Comfort Letter Thư ưng thuận của ngân hàng
BAF Bunker Adjustment Factor Nhân tố điều chỉnh nhiên liệu
BSS Basis on Dựa trên
BG *Bag Túi
BAL,BALCE Balance Cán cân (kế toán), số dư
B/S, BS Balance sheet Bảng tổng kết tài sản
BL(S) *bale(s) Kiện (bông, vải)
BK Bank Ngân hàng
B/D *bank draft Hối phiếu ngân hàng
BPB Bank post bill Hối phiếu ngân hàng gửi qua bưu điện
BBL(S).BL(S) *barre(s) Thùng phuy
BCAUS *because Bởi vì
BEF *before Trước
BC Before Christ Trước Công nguyên
BEG *beginning Bắt đầu, khởi đầu
BLV *believe Tin tưởng
BTR *better Tốt hơn
BTWN Between Giữa
BB Bill book Sổ hoá đơn
B/E Bill of entry Tờ khai nhập cảnh
B/E *Bill of Exchange Hối phiếu
B/H *Bill of Health Giáy chứng nhận Y tế, vệ sinh
B/L,BL *Bill of lading Vận đơn
BP *Bill of parcels Hoá đơn hàng hoá
B/P *Bill of payment Hoá đơn thanhtoán
B/S,BS *Bill of sale Hoá đơn bán hàng
B/R, BR *Bill receivable Hối phiếu có thể thu
B/P,BP *Bill payable Hối phiếu có thể thanh toán
BW *Bonded warehouse Kho ngoại quan
BV Book value Giá trị trong sổ sách kế toán
UK Britain Nước Anh
BTU British thermal units đơn vị nhiệt của Anh
BRKGE Brokerage Phí môi giới
B/D *Brought down đem xuống (kế toán)
B/F Brought forward đem qua (kế toán)
B/O Brought over Mang tới
BLDG Building Toà nhà
BV Bureau Veritas Cơ quan bảo hiểm tàu biển Pháp
BIZ,BSNS Business Kinh doanh
BYR *Buyer Người mua
CBL *Cable điện báo (quốc tế)
CALIF *California California (bang)
CA Canada Canada
CQD Customary Quickly Despatch
CCEL Cancel Huỷ bỏ
CANC Canceled Bị huỷ bỏ, đã huỷ bỏ
CANC Cancelation Sự huỷ bỏ
CP * Candle power Sức nén
CANT *Cannot Không thể
CAPA *capacity Khả năng, công suất
C/A Capital account Mục/tài khoản vốn
CAPT Captain Thuyền trưởng
CC Carbon copy Bản giấy than
C/O Care of Nhờ chuyển
CARR Carriage Chuyên chở
C/F *carried forward Chuyên chở tới
CGM Computer General Message Thư điện thực hiện trên máy tính
C/O Carried over Chuyển qua
CBD *Cash before delivery Trả tiền trước khi giao hàng
CB Cash book Sổ tiền mặt,sổ quỹ
COD *Cash on delivery Trả tiền khi giao hàng
COS *Cash on Shipment Trả tiền khi gửi hàng
C/O Cash order đơn đặt hàng trả tiền mặt
CWO *Cash with order Trả tiền mặt khi đặt hàng
CI Cash Iron Sắt đúc
CAT,CTLG Catalogue Ca-tê-lô
CM Centimeter Cm,xăng ti mét
CONTG Containing Chứa
CONTEMPO *contemporary đương thời, đương đại
CONT,CONTR Contract Hợp đồng
CVENCE *convenience Sự tiện lợi
CONVL *convenienal Phổ thông
COOP Cooperate Hợp tác
COOP Cooperation Sự hợp tác
COOP Cooperative Hợp tác xã
COOP Cooperator Người hợp tác
CY *copy Bản sao
CORP Corporation Công ty
CRCT *Correct Chính xác, đúng
CI *Cost and Insurance Giá+ bảo hiểm
CFR *Cost and Freight Giá + cước chuyên chở
CANDFC,CFC Cost and freight commisson Giá+ hoa hồng chuyên chở
CANDF *Cost, assurance and freight Giá+bảo hiểm+cước chuyên chở
CFANDE *Cost, freight and exchange Giá +cước chuyên chở+ hối suất
CIF *Cost, Insurance and freight Giá +bảo hiểm+ cước chuyên chở
CUD,CLD *could (đã) có thể
CFT Cubic feet Bộ khối
CY *Currency Tiền, đồng tiền
CSTME *Customer Khách hàng
CERT *Certificate Giấy chứng nhận
C/O *Certificate of Origin Giấy chứng nhận xuất xứ
CERT *Certificate Chứng thực
CHOVR *Changeover Thay đổi theo
CHRG *charge Phí tổn, lệ phí
CHTRS *Charters Người thuê tàu
CP *Charter party Hợp đồng thuê tàu
CK *Check Kiểm tra, séc
CHQ Cheque Séc
CIRCS *Circumstances Hoàn cảnh, trường hợp
COD *Collect on delivery Thu tiền khi giao hàng
COLO Colorado Colorado
COMB *combine Phối hợp
COMBN *combination Sự phối hợp
COMBN Combustion động cơ đốt trong
CML *commercial Thương mại
COMM Commission Hoa hồng
CMDTY *commodity Hàng hoá
COMNCTN *communication Truyền thông
CO Company Công ty
CF Compare(confer) So sánh
CMPTV *competitive Cạnh tranh
COMPTOR *compertitor Người cạnh tranh
COMPLT *complete Hoàn tất, đầy đủ
CONDI,CNDTN Condition điều kiện
CFM Confirm Xác nhận
CFMTN Confirmation Sự xác nhận
CFMD *confirmed được xác nhận
CONN Connecticut Connecticut
CONSGT Consignment Chuyến hàng
CTL Constructive total loss Tổng thiệt hại về kiến trúc
CON INV Consular invoice Hoá đơn lãnh sự
CFS Container freight station Trạm hàng container
CL Container load Dung tích container
CY Container yard Sân, bãi container
Bac Long Shipping and Trading Co.,ltd is bulk vessels carrier, container vessels carrier on internation line, hotline: +84 914096 355 email: [email protected]
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